Millaista koulutusta tarvitset? Me autamme sinua!
Dates: | 6th - 10th March 15th - 19th May 24th - 28th July 9th - 13th October |
Fees: | £1250/week |
During our advanced courses in business English C1 and C2, we gear the content significantly to the group’s level, goals and needs. At Upgrades, we help you by testing the group to idientify the group level. Every course consists of ten lessons and includes situations from professional life, e-mail conversation, as well as more formal English.
During our advanced courses in business English C1 and C2, we gear the content significantly to the group’s level, goals and needs. At Upgrades, we help you by testing the group to idientify the group level. Every course consists of ten lessons and includes situations from professional life, e-mail conversation, as well as more formal English.
Dates: | 6th - 10th March 15th - 19th May 24th - 28th July 9th - 13th October |
Fees: | £1250/week |
During our advanced courses in business English C1 and C2, we gear the content significantly to the group’s level, goals and needs. At Upgrades, we help you by testing the group to idientify the group level. Every course consists of ten lessons and includes situations from professional life, e-mail conversation, as well as more formal English.
Käytämme uusinta tekniikkaa ja tutkimusta
Meidän menetelmät antavat osallistujille mahdollisuuden soveltaa tietojaan välittömästi.
Tiedämme: yksi koko ei sovi kaikille.
Ainutlaatuiset ja yrityskohtaiset ratkaisut.
Tiedämme, miten luoda arvoa juuri Sinun yrityksellesi.
Koulutuksemme tarjoaa mitattavia tuloksia.
Millaista koulutusta tarvitset? Me autamme sinua!