Kurs mot kränkande särbehandling och diskriminering

Kurs mot kränkande särbehandling och diskriminering

En högaktuell utbildning med utgångspunkt i Organisatorisk och Social arbetsmiljö. Kursen vänder sig till företag och deras skyddsombud, arbetsmiljöombud, chefer och arbetsledare.

Arbetsgivaren ska tydligt klargöra att man inte accepterar kränkande särbehandling på en arbetsplats. Det ska dessutom finnas rutiner för hur man förebygger problemen, men också hur hantera dem om de trots allt uppstår.
Skyddsombud ska som representant för arbetstagarna se till att arbetsgivaren uppfyller lagställda krav samt verka för en god psykosocial arbetsmiljö.

I denna endags-kurs går vi igenom hur alla aktörer samverkar för att skapa en arbetsplats utan diskriminering. Vi går också igenom den grundläggande lagstiftningen som gäller och ser över roller och ansvar.

Utbildningen ger en grund för hur man verkar för en tolerant arbetsplats, fri från mobbning och kränkande särbehandling. Dessutom lär man sig att identifiera och eliminera risker för att detta ska uppstå, samt får kunskap om hur ett effektivt förebyggande hälsoarbete på arbetsplatsen kan åstadkommas.

Here is how it works:

  1. You contact us and tell us what your needs are and how you would like your customized Business English Training course delivered.
  2. Our assessors conduct telephone interviews with your staff and assign them proficiency levels in accordance with their current knowledge of English.
  3. We prepare our GMS Personal Development Plan® for each course participant and submit our recommendations and proposal to you. Everything will be spelled out in detail so that you can plan your budget and timeline.
  4. We conduct a Program Quality Check before the course begins
  5. We provide an Evaluation Report and Personal Progress Reports at the end of the course.

6th - 10th March

15th - 19th May

24th - 28th July

9th - 13th October


Theoretical Content

During our advanced courses in business English C1 and C2, we gear the content significantly to the group’s level, goals and needs. At Upgrades, we help you by testing the group to idientify the group level. Every course consists of ten lessons and includes situations from professional life, e-mail conversation, as well as more formal English.

Let our 35 years of experience and sterling reputation in customized language course delivery work for you! Contact us today!

Here is how it works:

  1. You contact us and tell us what your needs are and how you would like your customized Business English Training course delivered.
  2. Our assessors conduct telephone interviews with your staff and assign them proficiency levels in accordance with their current knowledge of English.
  3. We prepare our GMS Personal Development Plan® for each course participant and submit our recommendations and proposal to you. Everything will be spelled out in detail so that you can plan your budget and timeline.
  4. We conduct a Program Quality Check before the course begins
  5. We provide an Evaluation Report and Personal Progress Reports at the end of the course.

Theoretical Content

During our advanced courses in business English C1 and C2, we gear the content significantly to the group’s level, goals and needs. At Upgrades, we help you by testing the group to idientify the group level. Every course consists of ten lessons and includes situations from professional life, e-mail conversation, as well as more formal English.

Let our 35 years of experience and sterling reputation in customized language course delivery work for you! Contact us today!

Here is how it works:


6th - 10th March

15th - 19th May

24th - 28th July

9th - 13th October


Theoretical Content

During our advanced courses in business English C1 and C2, we gear the content significantly to the group’s level, goals and needs. At Upgrades, we help you by testing the group to idientify the group level. Every course consists of ten lessons and includes situations from professional life, e-mail conversation, as well as more formal English.

Let our 35 years of experience and sterling reputation in customized language course delivery work for you! Contact us today!

Miksi valita meidät?

Käytämme uusinta tekniikkaa ja tutkimusta


Meidän menetelmät antavat osallistujille mahdollisuuden soveltaa tietojaan välittömästi.


Tiedämme: yksi koko ei sovi kaikille.


Ainutlaatuiset ja yrityskohtaiset ratkaisut.


Tiedämme, miten luoda arvoa juuri Sinun yrityksellesi.


Koulutuksemme tarjoaa mitattavia tuloksia.


Millaista koulutusta tarvitset? Me autamme sinua!

Aloita nyt!
Haluatko lisätietoja? Kysy asiantuntioilta!